How to leverage Pinterest and Telegram for Affiliates

By Eaglefx On November 19, 2021 in Affiliate Learning Centre

How to leverage Pinterest and Telegram for Affiliates

Pinterest and Telegram are 2 platforms that stand out when it comes to attracting millions of users interested in online trading. However, many affiliates underestimate the impact these platforms can have on their affiliate earnings.

In this guide we will explore Pinterest and Telegram from an affiliate point of view and show you the best approach for both these platforms in order to increase your affiliate earnings.


Pinterest is a social media network based on visual content and is successfully used by designers, businesses, teachers, real estate brokers as well as traders to promote their businesses.

On Pinterest, you can share your own personal content or external content. The platform lets you pin or collect images from the internet that, along with your content, make your board.

As with Facebook or Instagram, Pinterest users can like and share pins with their friends. The more engagement your pins receive, the higher they will rank in the organic search.

Now that you know what Pinterest is and how it works, let's discover how to use Pinterest to increase your affiliate earnings.

Why affiliates should use Pinterest

The greatest advantage of Pinterest for affiliates is that pictures on Pinterest allow direct links. When someone clicks on your content, they are immediately redirected to the link you embedded in the content. It can be your website or a direct link to your broker.

You can gain exposure on Pinterest by creating engaging photos, videos, infographics and sharing them on your board. You can also use the affiliate material that our broker offers.

Take note that if your pin promotes a product or service you are affiliated with, you must disclose it.


Growing a following on Pinterest

As a video and image-based platform, being successful on Pinterest requires your content to be well designed and provide valuable information.

Many traders share trading tips, trading strategies, technical analysis, macroeconomic analysis, charts with their view on a market or on a specific instrument. It all boils down to your style and your expertise on the subject.

Additionally, you want to arrange the content on your board in a way that can be easily navigated and understood by your audience.

Lastly, interact. By interacting with users and other creators, you can push your account further. This will get you free exposure to new audiences and possibly drive new followers.

All in all, Pinterest is a powerful platform that is naively underestimated by many.

Especially if you are already active on similar platforms or don’t have a website, Pinterest can really help grow your affiliate earnings.

Now that you have a clear picture of Pinterest, we will move on to what Telegram has to offer.


Telegram is a messaging platform similar to WhatsApp that grew predominantly in the last 5 years. It has a clean design and incorporates unique functionalities that make its usage extremely engaging.

One of these functions is Telegram groups. These are group-chats that aggregate Telegram users interested in a specific subject. Traders and investors interested in the financial markets use Telegram groups to share news and insights as well as trading strategies.

There are mainly three types of groups/channels:

    If you want to grow your affiliate earnings with Telegram, your focus has to be directed to groups and channels. Let's discover how.

    Telegram affiliate strategies

    As an affiliate, you have 2 predominant strategies to increase your earnings:

    Create your own group

    Within your group/channel you will share your insights (charts, pictures, messages, articles, video) related to a subject you know well. The aim is to provide value and become trustworthy in the eyes of those who follow you.

    Additionally, any time your content is particularly interesting, your reader will naturally share them with other users and channels, ultimately promoting your group for free.

    If you are consistent enough, in a short time you will build an audience with whom you can share your affiliate links.

    Interact in other groups

    Alternatively, you can join other larger groups and interact and share your expert insights. Many groups also allow users to share their affiliate links.

    The last tip is to use a strategic profile picture that drives trust and a catchy description for both your profile and your channel. In the description you can also add your affiliate link, although it can’t be clicked through.


    Pinterest and Telegram are platforms worth considering because they specifically attract users already interested in trading and financial markets. Choose the platform that you find most suitable to your expertise and start sharing your unique insights.

    Keep visiting our Affiliate Learning Center to stay up to date on how to grow your affiliate earnings