How to Measure Audience Engagement for Affiliation

By Eaglefx On June 10, 2021 in Affiliate Learning Centre

How to Measure Audience Engagement for Affiliation

Social Media has become an intrinsic part of our daily life, affecting how we communicate, work and enjoy free time. As for affiliation, social media is by far the most useful tool that affiliates can use to increase their earnings. The platforms that affiliates use to promote their work, engage with their audience and grow their following is extremely valuable for brands seeking to tap in to new demographics. And since personal relationships formed through social networks carry more weight than direct messaging from brands, it’s easy to see why affiliation and social media go hand-in-hand!

But it’s not enough to assume that your efforts are reaching the targets you set. Rather, you should measure the levels of audience engagement in order to maximise your reach and improve your EagleFX affiliate campaign. How? Well, there are many tools available to help you measure your audience engagement and understand the data you gather as an affiliate. In this article, we’ll be looking at some of the most efficient and effective ways to measure your audience engagement.

Count Likes, Shares and Comments

Probably the most obvious metric you can use as an affiliate are the likes, comments and share count on your posts. Almost all social media platform come with these features, which provide an immediate and public overview of the audience engagement. As the owner of a page, you will also be able to see the reach of your posts in comparison to the engagement, ie. How many people saw your post vs. How many people reacted to it through a like, share or comment.

Monitor Audience Growth Rate

The second metric that you should monitor is the rate at which your audience grows, which is most easily measured by increasing followers. You may notice a sharp increase or decrease in followers after posting a certain type of content, or you may find that your follower account has been stable for too long. You can try to post different types of posts, alter the format of your posts, approach different topics or even change the frequency of your posts. Don’t be afraid to change things up, as social media is all about new trends.

Measure your Followers vs. Following Count

One of the most important things to notice on your social media profiles is the number of followers you have compared to the number of people you’re following. While this may not count for Facebook, which does not display the number of pages you’re following to your followers, it is very important for Instagram and Twitter users in particular. Ideally, there should be a balance between these numbers so that you can maintain a professional persona.

Identify Active vs. Passive Followers

The majority of social media users are passive ones, who simply follow people and pages just to keep tabs on any major updates. The few users who participate more actively are incredibly valuable to a business, however. You can spot these fans by noticing who comments on your posts, reviews your services or shares your content. These followers are the ones who will be able to pass on the word and recommend your services to their own networks, so it will be beneficial to maintain good relationships with them.

Analyse Audience Demographics

With audience demographics readily available, you can get to know who your viewers are, where they’re coming from and what they are interested in. Through these analytics, you can curate your campaigns to achieve better results and drive more traffic through your EagelFX affiliate link.

What’s more, EagleFX provides free in-depth analytics to track your campaign performance, as well as a dedicated affiliate manager to help you interpret the data and enhance your profits.

Contact your Affiliate Manager today to learn more!