The Importance of Banners in Affiliate Marketing

By Eaglefx On September 07, 2022 in Affiliate Learning Centre

The Importance of Banners in Affiliate Marketing

If you are an experienced affiliate marketer then you will be well aware of what banners are and how effective they can be at generating new sign-ups and high-quality traffic. In this article we will discuss why banners are so effective, what they have to offer an affiliate marketer and how best to add them to your work.  

The Power of Visual Aids

Banner ads are as old as time and can be seen across almost every website with significant traffic. One of the main reasons banner ads are so successful is simply that the human brain processes images faster than words. This allows attention to be immediately drawn directly to your campaign, more so than a word-based advertisement.

Banners are great for their flexibility as well. They can be placed on websites, blogs, emails, social media and more. A simple and smart placement can enormously increase your ROI. However, design does matter. You don’t want your banners to be too intrusive, overwhelming and busy. There is a balance with all things in life and this includes how bright and bold you make your banners. Sometimes, less is more.

A great tip when deciding what banners to use and where to place them is to remember these five basic rules. These, incorporated with a clean design, will ultimately make your content more professional and trustworthy to the reader: 

Keep elements to a minimum.

      Once you have finalized your banners, you need to be selective about placement. There are several elements to consider here; target audience, product you are advertising, platforms you will place the banners on and aesthetic contribution and feel of the placement.  

      Here are a couple of techniques to follow when placing your banners 

        Use Diverse, Quality Banners 

        At EagleFX, we pride ourselves on offering prime content and marketing materials for all our affiliate partners. At the end of the day, your success is also our success. This is why we choose to keep our materials updated, eye-catching and effective. We have recently launched a new package of updated banner ads, suitable for an array of platforms and placements. Links can be directly embedded into the banners included in this new package and come in a multitude of sizes, styles and animations.  You can find these by logging into your Affiliate Portal and navigating to the ‘Banners’ tab. 

        With modern technology offering an endless number of ways to market, there will always be a place for visual aids and we look forward to seeing yours appear across the digital world. Should you require help or have queries regarding banner ads or any affiliate matters, feel free to reach out to our 24/7 customer support channels and one of our agents will connect you directly to an affiliate manager.  

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